Beat using Heroin with recovery activities

Its a beautiful spring day here in Southern Michigan and a great day to be free from active Addiction. In the past on a day like this I know what I would be doing

Today instead of hunting for a bag of heroin I did something that I enjoyed to do in my past when I was clean. I went for a walk in the woods looking for morel mushrooms.

I did not find any today it was not my usual spot but I had heard that they were out and could not wait to go so I to a walk in the woods near my home.

Matter of fact Ive been obsessed with thinking about doing some morel hunting as soon as it got warm here.

Imagine that obsessing about something other than how to stop using heroin what a relief.

The reason for mentioning this little walk is to let you know we Must do some of the things we used to enjoy doing while we were clean.

We have to get out of the house and do something if you don't care for mushroom hunting just go for a walk.

I can tell you I really enjoyed it and got some real nice exercise and I just though of something else while writing this my mind was so free I did not smoke a cigarette the entire time.

How great is that I normally smoke everywhere I go.

If you would like to know more about heroin addiction check here stop using heroin.


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