heroin withdrawal help

Heroin withdrawal help
Tips for heroin withdrawal

Heroin cold turkey

Try to sleep through most of your heroin withdrawal

This will cut down on a lot of your discomfort.

Stay awake for at least 24 hours before you decide to kick. This will ensure you that you will be able to sleep.

Heroin can cause unbearable withdrawal side effects. These are hard on the persons mind and body. It is not advised to try to quitting heroin cold turkey but if you do you will suffer these consequences.

When you decided to kick heroin you will most definitively feel these symptoms.

You will feel anxious.

you will feel like using.

you will vomit frequently.

You will have no appetite.

You will not be able to sleep unless you take my suggestion to stay up before hand.

Goose bumps.



Medical heroin detox will help you safely detox from heroin and you will feel just as good as when you were at home.

Medical detox is a supervised medical detox with expert clinicians who are trained in this area. In this treatment setting they will probably us a subutex detox with a suboxone taper.

Rapid Detox

Rapid detox is an medically assisted opiate detoxification which involves being given a opioid antagonist to neutralize the heroin effects.

The individual will be unconscious during this period with general anesthesia. With this type of heroin withdrawal you will feel absolutely nothing.

If you choose to go this route be advised that it is expensive.

Try addiction therapy /drug maintenance

After your detox you can try addiction therapy it is very helpful to talk about the problems that may have contributed to your using.

Drug maintenance is good for those of you that can not stay clean without it and for further assistance without help.

One type of drug maintenance would be heroin addiction treatment. This great heroin withdrawl help.

I say this because we need to learn what caused the heroin withdrawal in the first place in other words why do we feel we need to use heroin.

Most of us have kept our life a secret and our true feelings so bottled up it took a nuclear blast to jar them loose.

In long term treatment we will do a 4th step and unburden our selves from these toxic thoughts and feelings.

We may even decide we want to go back to school to further our careers. This is great that's what I did. Yes it is hard work but the payoff is immense.

If you have made up your mind to do this and go through heroin withdrawal  then you must take action. The first step is decide how and where you want to detox from heroin. Then the wrest is up to you.

Good luck


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