"Put on Your Heroin Face for the Dinner Guests!"

If you keep using heroin you are going to end up looking worse than this dog.

The last time I quit using heroin I looked dirtball bad. My cheeks were sucked in and I was down to around 100 lbs and going through severe heroin withdrawal.

When I looked in the mirror I would say something like man your looking good boy. I had to be a real basket case to think that.

We do become way out of sorts when we are in our addiction. I looked at a picture of me before I got clean and I looked so bad it scared the shit right out of me.

We do not have to go that far we can nip it in the bud right now. Do you want to stop using heroin?

If the answer is yes then get on the ball and make some changes. First thing you need to do is to stop using heroin.

If you already have then you are ready to take some steps towards recovery and if you do you can beat heroin addiction.

I think the all around best thing any addict can do is seek Heroin Addiction treatment with this you are well on your way.


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