Do you want Quit using heroin cold turkey

So you want to know how to Quit using heroin say no more I will give you some tips on how to beat heroin addiction.

If you intend to quit using heroin cold turkey be prepared for heroin withdrawal.

This will probably last several days and you may be sick for well over a week depending on how much heroin you were using.

Plan on a good week of withdrawal. You can use something like Motrin for the muscle cramps and get some Pepito bismal or like product for diarrhea.

Be prepared for these things!
1. Cold sweats.

2. Anxiety is another thing you may have to prepare for

3. Stomach and leg cramps

4. You probably won't get a lot of sleep.

5. Vomiting and upset stomach.

If it were me doing this I would stay awake as long as I could before the time I planned to quit using then you can sleep your heroin cold turkey away.

Get plenty of gator aid because it builds electrolytes. Remember this is not going to be a walk in the park.

One thing you could also do is have someone stay with you for support. This is a good idea because you will more than likely want to use.

Now keep in mind that addicts for the most part think that no one understands or cares about them. So when a family member or friend has their back it tends to make them feel a whole lot better. It could actually make the difference whether or not the addict makes it through the detox.

The very idea of a person being there may help you to go through with your plan to quit using heroin

Now keep in mind that if you do not succeed in stopping cold turkey do not let this get too you because it takes many of us more than one attempt at trying to get clean and sober as a matter of fact it took me a whole lot of attempts.

I would suggest for those of you who can not do a cold turkey heroin detox that you go to an opiate rehab because there they can treat your heroin withdrawal symptoms medically.

The idea of a person there may help you to go through with your plan to quit using heroin.

For further information read some other posts


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