Introduction to Drug Addiction for Dummies

Welcome to my blog! I wanted to give people understanding and a knowledge of this silent war we are fighting. Drug addiction is a rising issue that many overlook. About 19.5 million people over the age of 12 use illegal drugs in the United States (Mayo Clinic). The highest use of drug addiction usually occurs within the 19-25 year range, and the most abused drug is marijuana.
What exactly is drug abuse you ask? Well drugs are pain killers and alleviate physical pain by supplying a temporary escape from everyday difficulties. Over time, someones ability to opt our of taking the drug can be rationalized, and the need to get high becomes a top priority. The person in this vicious cycle does not realize his/her behavior. They need a close acquaintance to help them realize the problem and get help.
Help is available in a variety of places. One helpful website is US NO DRUGS.


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