Find the right help to Stop Methadone withdrawal

I had reason to pause and think of why some people remain on methadone for years on end the answer is because they don't know how to stop methadone withdrawal from happening.

I believe one reason is that people convince themselves that it’s legal so why not. Another reason is fear yes I said fear the fear of methadone withdrawal is indeed terrifying.

It is just as terrifying as heroin withdrawal and maybe more so because it is so intimidating to conceive the idea of actually having a methadone addiction let alone trying to stop methadone withdrawal.

I know every time I decided to kick I would taper down to 5 or 10mg and start to panic I would freak out and wonder how I could possibly live my life without it.

I would in the end ask the nurse to start increasing my dosage again every day until I was comfortable.

I tried to quit methadone five or six times with the same results each time. What was I to do I could not live with it or with out it.

The only way I was to get off of methadone was when I broke the law and went to jail. I had been going to the met clinic for around 4 1/2 years at the time I went to jail.

Cold turkey methadone withdrawal

I basically went through methadone withdrawal cold turkey because the Berrien County jail did not think much about addicts so they gave me nothing to help for my methadone withdrawal.

I was sick for dam near a month I could not sleep or eat. I vomited a frequently and I never want to go through that kind of pain again.

I think the best way to stop methadone withdrawal is to never start taking methadone.

I would think twice if I were considering getting on methadone if I were you no I take that back. I would consider it ten or twelve times and come up with the answer no way ho say.

Methadone does work for some individuals so don't be confused it is very helpful but it does come at a price unfortunately the price is too high for me. I am just thank God I am clean today and no longer have to worry about such things.

I would say that methadone can work well short term to detox from heroin; for instance, a 21 day methadone detox. This is really the longest I would stay on it. Any way it takes what it takes to get clean all that matters is that you do.

If you are struggling with this drug and are tired of letting a drug control your life then I would suggest that you do something about it. One thing you could do to to beat an addiction to methadone is to attend NA meetings on a regular basis. If for some reason this does not work for you then I would suggest going to some type of opiate or methadone rehab. There they can detox you from methadone in a safe setting.

Good luck


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