Methadone addiction can be the result of trying to beat heroin

OK there is another way to stop heroin but it can lead to methadone addiction. The way I am referring to is going to a methadone clinic and being dosed daily. I would exactly say call it being pristine clean does stop a person from using. I would strongly recommended against it unless you got one hell of a habit.

I have personally seen youngsters who were using just vicodin get hooked on the methadone by thinking they could get high without having to chase their drugs.

It does have its advantages one is it will keep you off the streets doing whatever lame and more than likely doing illegal shit to get high, anyway that's the way I was. I think that if you have tried every way in the book to stop using then go ahead and try a 21 day methadone detox. I would not recommend any longer than that because the relatively high risk of methadone addiction.

Another advantage is that if you can not stop using methadone you will at least get off heroin and the risk of doing some bad shit or overdose. Plus after you have been in the program and have stayed clean you will be able to get take home doses.

I had a methadone addiction for something like 4 years. I had to drive a ways to get there and I did eventually get like 6 take homes a week. I think when I left the program I was on 180 mg.

I don't know if I would ever have ever been able to kick my methadone addiction but I went to jail and believe me you really don't want to do that because of the methadone detox is hell. .

They gave me absolutely nothing for the methadone withdrawal. I was sicker than two dogs for about two weeks.
It is defiantly something you would want to give some thought to I would say do not do it. Go to treatment and detox and follow that up with long term treatment.

I went for two years the results were awesome. When you get out go to a meeting and get to know some people and do yourself a favor get a therapist.

Therapy is a great way to share things that you feel you can not share at a meeting and you can unload a lot of the stuff that may have kept you using.

If you are hooked and want to stop using methadone the best thing to do is have the clinic start to wean you off slowly may over a couple months or more I have done that too.

The main thing you want to keep in mind if you go this route to kick heroin is to do the 21 day detox and get off of it or you may replace that habit for a methadone addiction.


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