Should I Tell My Boss?

Health help in the workplace.

It’s no secret: Times are tough. The situation at work is uncertain at best, downright Machiavellian at worst. According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), the primary source of stress for 80 % of Americans is—you guessed it—money.

Health Matters at Work, a program developed by Community Health Charities, is offering a four-part video podcast series on addiction, depression, and stress in the workplace. The goal of the Health Matters at Work program is to enhance the ability of “employers, employees, and their loved ones to connect to credible information and resources to improve their health and their lives.”

The podcast series focuses on work-related resources available through Mental Health America, the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.

“The message we hope people hear,” said Robert Lindsey of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, “is that together we offer a broad network of support to people in communities across America, and we are all here for people that need our help.”

David Shern of Mental Health America said: “Mental Health is fundamental to health in every way. Increased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety all raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Community Health Charities of America, located in Arlington, Virginia, is a consortium dedicated to assisting “people affected by a disability or chronic disease by uniting caring donors in the workplace with health issues and causes important to them and their families.”

A list of the group’s member charities can be found here.

Corporate partners include AARP, McDonalds, Exxon, HP, Siemens, and USA Today.


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