How to stop using vicodin

Stop using vicodin

It’s pretty east to get yourself into the habit of abusing vicodin. Most people have or will have some pain in their lives due to injury or otherwise. This is the part that may be a problem unless you are aware of it and that is why I am writing this post to make people aware of vicodin and the potential for abuse.

Ok when you do get pain in your everyday life and decide to go to the Dr. there is a very good chance that you will be prescribed vicodin or something similar. When this happens you may find yourself taking more of the medication than was actually prescribed; for instance you are supposed to take one or two tablets every 6 hrs. and now you find yourself taking this dose every couple of hours this can lead to vicodin addicton.

If you or someone you know think you may have a vicodin problem and want to learn how to stop using vicodin continue reading this post.

One way to stop using vicodin is go to vicodin treatment what I would do is look for a vicodin treatment rehab in your area. Then make arrangements to go in to detox from vicodin. Once there they will medically detox you this will be done by people who are specially trained in this are so do not worry you will be in good hands. This is one of the best ways to stop using vicodin and go through vicodin withdrawal.

Once you finish your detox you will want to make sure you continue with residential treatment. I can not speak strongly enough about this because your chances of remaining clean without It are slim and none.

If you can not remain clean after this then there is the option of long term vicodin addiction treatment They usually run from 6 months to 2 years. I would say without a doubt the longer you stay the better. I went to long term treatment and stayed the full 2 years. What a life saver that was. I learn a lot about myself while I was there and even went back to school you can do this too. One thing is for certain if you want to get clean you will have to take action because no one can do it for you.


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