What is my best option forHeroin addiction recovery

Most of us do not begin living in the answer to heroin addiction recovery.

I think that I more or less evolved into this new way of life. When we tell are life story in N A we usually begin at the beginning and explain what it was like then and how we got to the point we are at today plus we also tell what life is like now that we are clean.

What my life was like then

I started using drugs when I was around 16. I thought I was being cool or hip, I think that was the word for it back then which was around 1972. My neighbor happened to be selling dope at the time and this is how I got started because in truth I wanted to be like him I thought he was the stuff. My family did not do drugs and drank very little. I believe I got hooked on heroin about 2 years later after using it for at least a year this is when I ran out and went through my first heroin withdrawal.

Looking back I used drugs to fit in and be able to socialize with others especially women. In the beginning using was a blast but in the end it became something I had to do. The old say goes "all good things must come to and end" lets just rephrase this with all fun things because no good ever comes directly out of using. My dream was to have mounds and mounds of drugs enough to last me the rest of my life. Luckily this never happened because I know myself I would have dove right in and never made it out alive.

I have to say that I was afraid to face life without drugs or alcohol. I had to basically use to come out of the house. Then things changed and I found another fear the fear of running out of drugs was terrifying.

My first attempt at heroin addiction recovery

I was when I was around 32 I was living with my parents because I had no other place to go anyway I got in some kind of trouble and my step dad told me that if I did not get help I was going to have to leave. He did offer to pay for my stay if I wanted to go to treatment it did not take long for me to make up my mind because like I said earlier I had no place else to go so I went to rehab.

I think it was like a 90 day program. I did manage to stay clean until I hooked up with a chick in recovery anyway that’s another story in a different part of my heroin addiction recovery.

I made many trips to rehab since then with a lot of heroin detox in-between 21 day treatment programs. I finally had enough the disease had drained me of all I had and I surrendered to the fact that I needed more help this is when I went to long term treatment.

I stayed for 2 years and learned to live a new way of life I even went back to school and I am still going today. I don’t have much farther to go and I will have my bachelor degree. I hope this was helpful to someone.

Good luck


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