Getting through Heroin addiction withdrawal with a medical detox

The topic I chose to write about today is heroin addiction withdrawal the reason I chose this topic is because of the large number of addicts who want to quit using heroin and are fearful of the heroin withdrawal. I want to say right off that do not let the fear of what you will have to go through stop you from getting free from heroin.

I know practically everyone has heard rumors of how bad the withdrawal is well the answer to this is it all depends on the way you choose to stop using heroin; for instance, a heroin detox done medically as opposed to heroin cold turkey huge difference here one is relatively painless and the other is a challenge to say the least.

If you choose to detox from this drug in heroin rehab I would suggest that when you make your appointment you should check make sure they will detox you medically. This means that they will give you medications like suboxone to help with your heroin withdrawals this generally takes from 3 to 5 days. I think it is a great way to stop using and for the most part it is painless.

I would recommend that one does go to residential treatment after their deox. This is important for a number of reason one of which is we do not want to go through heroin addiction withdrawal again and end up in another heroin rehab. In residential treatment you will gain the necessary tools to not to return to active addiction again but I have to be right upfront with you it will take action. One can not just lay around and wait for things to happen recovery is a process and it takes a lot of action if you want to stay clean. I always say any fool can get clean but it takes work to remain clean.

OK for action one can start attending NA meetings this is always good for any newcomer who is trying to find a new way to live with out the use of drugs. There you will make friends who are just like you and do not use drugs.


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