Heroin addiction cold turkey can be done but you will need help

I am reasonably sure that if you are checking out this site you must have some type of drug problem so keep reading because I will give you some information on heroin addiction cold turkey. If you are trying to stop using heroin and can not afford conventional treatment this may be the only option you have.

Heroin addiction cold turkey will be a challenge for any addict and it is one you are not likely not to forget any time soon so this may be to your benefit. It will probably make you really think twice before you use again it did me.

Ok first thing I will suggest is that you get rid of any and all paraphernalia in your home. This will only make you think about using and after all you have made the decision to quit I hope.

The next step is to find someone to come stay with you because you do not want to go through this alone.

Step 3 is to get some over the counter medications to help you with your heroin withdrawal one thing I would get is Motrin this is good for headaches as well as cramps. I would also get some type of medicine for diarrhea plus some Benadryl to help you to sleep.

Now you should be ready so I would stay awake a good 24 to 36 before I intend to quit with any luck at all this will help you to seep through the worst of hour heroin addiction cold turkey.

I will add that you will not die from heroin withdrawal unless you have very severe health problems and if this is the case do not attempt this instead go to heroin rehab.

I have kicked heroin cold turkey numerous times so do not be afraid it is not as bad as people hype it up to be anyway.

Good luck


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