Heroin cold turkey is hard but it can be done with addiction help

I decided that I would do a post today on heroin cold turkey. I am reasonably sure that a lot of people out there would like some tips on how to kick heroin cold turkey. I also know that a lot of people simply have no other choice if they want to stop using heroin. There may be reasons for this like they have no insurance and they can not afford to detox from heroin in treatment.

This is fine I will share with everyone my experience with heroin cold turkey. I will start right out with this will not be for the faint of heart because you will not have any medication to fall back on other than over the counter medications.

I always like to suggest to anyone who is going to attempt this that the first thing to do is get all drug using materials out of your home.

Next I suggest that they stay awake the day before they stop using this should help them to sleep through the hardest part of their heroin withdrawal. Now you can expect to experience heroin symptoms like muscle cramps, diarrhea, insomnia, goose bumps, sweats or chills, nervousness and irritability, cravings, and finally wanting to give up.

You can buy things at the drug store that will help with your heroin cold turkey. I would get some kaopeptate for diarrhea and Motrin for headache and cramps. I would also get some Benadryl to help you sleep.

It is my belief that you must have a plan of action when you finish with your heroin detox. I mean like how do you intend to stay clean this must be addressed or you will use again in no time at all. Do you intend to go to NA meetings if so find out when and where they meet and make a list of the meetings you plan to attend?

I will leave the rest of your plan up to you because I am sure you must get the idea. I have used this method myself more than once and it does work but like I said it will be a trying experience and I will bet you will not forget it. It may even help you to stay clean it did me for while.


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