How to stop opiate withdrawal

There are a few choices when it comes to opiate withdrawal for the person who is struggling with the challenge of quitting and opiate dependence whether this may be from prescription medications that contain hydrocodone or heroin. It you happen to be thinking about stopping your opiate use then it is good to know one has a few options.

Cold Turkey opiate withdrawal at home
The first way I will share with is called how to stop opiate withdrawal cold turkey.

Some people simply have no other options than to go cold turkey a lot of the time this is due to no insurance. This is a very hard way to detox from heroin. I would only use this method as a last resort. I would search for private funding or county funding in the area I would like to get help to detox for heroin.
To me one of the best ways to go through an opiate withdrawal is treatment so I would suggest that you find a local treatment center. Give them a call find out about there funding and make arrangements to get in. If you do not have insurance most places will take Medicaid if this does not work look into getting Government funding to help pay for your stay.

Once you get in to rehab they will usally detox you for opiates, this can take 3 to 5 days using prescription drugs to help manage your opiate withdrawal. Most places will make you very comfortable because they know how sick we get when we stop using opiates. They can help regardless whether you are withdrawal from heroin or hydrocodone pills like vicodin.

When you complete your opiate withdrawal the next step is residential treatment. Here they will help you to get the information how to live a great life clean without the use of drugs. If you only detox there is no doubt in my mind you will use again maybe as soon as you leave treatment. When you do leave make sure you have an after care plan this is essential for all recovering addicts who leave treatment.

Here is a video on opiate withdrawal


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