How to stop smoking heroin chasing the dragon

How to stop smoking heroin chasing the dragon

I am not exactly sure how popular smoking heroin is in the United States I know it is popular in other countries. I think in recent years it has started to gain in popularity with our youth and perhaps older heroin addicts. One reason for this is that the potency of heroin has risen over the years. This has caused a decrease in the number of new heroin addicts who areshooting heroin. I am not real sure if this is a good thing or not because it does not matter rather your injecting, or snorting it lives will be lost and people will become addicted to it.

I believe that when people first started smoking they called it chasing the dragon. This term came from Hong kong which refers to placing heroin on foil and smoking.

If you want to then you must take action. First thing you need to do is make commitment to put down the drug. Maybe going to some NA meetings will help you do this you may also think about trying addiction counseling.

If this does not help then I would suggest that you try going to heroin treatment there you will learn how to stop using heroin and a whole lot of other very important things that will more than likely save your life if you follow the directions of this program.

Now the action begins with finding a treatment facility in your vicinity and give them a call and let them know of your plans to stop using and at this time ask them if they have a medical ward for heroin detox if they do ask them the soonest day you can come in; furthermore, at the same time ask them if they have residential treatment because you will need this if you sincerely want to taking smoking.

Now once you enter treatment they will detox you medically from heroin using suboxone this will take 3 to 5 days. Then its on to residential treatment where you will learn how to quit heroin. Most places will have you attend group therapy, lectures, go to meetings, and have individual counseling. This should be a great start for any addict and if you use the tools you were given in treatment you will stay clean and find a new way to liver.


Is an actually a semi synthetic drug which is synthesized from morphine and a derivative of the opium poppy. Heroin was used as a pain killer until it was banned in the United States.

Heroin erowid

You can find out a lot more about this drug on the popular website about drugs,although you probably will not find a lot of information on how to stop using. Instead, you will find info about how to use and abuse the drug. Not very useful if you are trying to get stop.

Chasing the Dragon

The phrase "chasing the dragon" is a street term for heroin smoking. The phrase was originally coined in Hong Kong although heroin is smoked in many countries around the world. Heroin is smoked by placing it on a layer of foil and heating it to the point where it produces a vapor. The heated vapor is then inhaled and the person is quickly under the influence of "the dragon."


Opiate drugs are highly addictive and addiction can come through several avenues. Some addicts smoke heroin as previously mentioned, while others inject it into their veins with needles. Many individuals believe that smoking this drug is less dangerous than injecting it but this is not true.

Professionals say that addicts should smoke rather than inject heroin

There are many dangers associated with heroin  use and unfortunately some drug counselors advise people to smoke rather than inject heroin in order to avoid contracting AIDS or other illnesses from the use of needles. Additionally, the impurities associated with heroin lead some individuals to believe that smoking the drug eliminates the chance of accidental heroin overdose.

However, new evidence suggests that there are just as many risk factors associated with the smoking of heroin as there are with injections or for that matter snorting the big H. Medical research has proven that heroin smokers can experience severe side effects such as loss of speech or muscle control that can worsen until it eventually leads to paralysis or death. The only guarantee of avoiding such side effects is to avoid the use of heroin entirely.

Those with a genuine desire to change their lives and rid themselves of their heroin addiction for good can acquire help at a drug rehabilitation center or drug addiction program. This way a person can get detoxed in a comfortable environment with experienced people there to help him or her through the process.

Upon arrival at such a facility, each patient is given medications that help to ease the withdrawal symptoms commonly experienced. In certain cases, one may feel sick or experience physical symptoms that are very unpleasant. The detox process takes approximately five days and it is not always pleasant but it is well worth it for those who want to gain their freedom from heroin smoking and the negative lifestyle that goes with it.

It is also essential to continue treatment after being discharged from the rehab center. Experts recommend attending an outpatient substance abuse treatment center where lectures can be attended and one can participate in, group therapy. Some programs loosely follow the well known 12 step program which is formatted to assist those with addiction to avoid returning to their former lifestyle.

Government or state funded rehab for people without insurance 

Anyone with an addiction problem should not wait, but seek help from a professional. It is important to call several clinics and ask the appropriate questions drug rehab such as how much the program costs and what types of insurance they take. It is also possible to find a clinic that takes Medicaid or other types of government and state funded drug rehabs for people without insurances.

In certain cases one may find that he or she must go out of town or even out of state in order to find a facility that takes his or her insurance or is willing to work out a payment plan. I would have to say that if all the pertinent questions are asked it will not be hard for a person to find help for his or her drug addiction problem.


Snorting heroin
 is a process that is used by many heroin addicts it refers to the inhaliation of heroin when it is sniffed through the nose.


Just because you are smoking it does not mean that there is not a potential for overdose because there is in fact it can cause lung problems as well as heart attack.


This is the method that I used before I got clean it refers to the mixing of heroin with water and drawing it up in a syringe and shooing or injeciting heroin in your arm or wherever you want.

Good luck


  1. Well I think anyone who is caught up in the game of smoking this crap needs to get help in rehab as quickly as possible. It is easy to turn a blind eye and try to stick it out and keep chasing that next high, all the while telling yourself that it is OK. But of course it is not OK and eventually this crap catches up to you and will drag you down. Get help, go to rehab. That is what I say.
  2. This page is full of lots of incorrect information, opinions as opposed to facts, and is loaded with grammatical errors and sentences that make little sense. To state that injecting drugs such as heroin is no more dangerous than other methods of injestion (such as snorting or smoking) is incorrect and, in my opinion, irresponsible. Yes, smoking or snorting H is just as addictive, and smoking ANYTHING can certainly have long term effects. That said, IV drug use is far more dangerous in every way.
  3. You have to be undoubtedly one of the lamest sort of numb skulls I have seen in quite some time and I have had my fill of stupid mother fuckers for the day.

    So Check this out dirt bag while you are so concerned about spelling "ass hole" does proper English save lives. I think not you bone head you are not so much interested in the people that find help as much as your proper spelling so take that and stick it up your ass and when you want to quit using drugs come on back!!

    Just another one in flames do not let jerks like this to stop you from using...


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