Medical detox for Dilaudid withdrawal

I like to write about how to help others learn how to stop using drugs. The subject I will write about today happens to be something that have gone through in my using days and that would be dilaudid withdrawal. I really love to write about things that I have hands on experience with and this just happens to be one of many. I think I first acquired a dilaudid addiction around 30 years ago they were rather inexpensive at the time compared to today’s prices.

One thing I can tell you for sure is that unless you have connections for dilaudid from here to Tim buck Tou or have a massive string of Dr’s writing you prescriptions for dilaudid you are going to run out and when you do guess what happens next you guessed it dilaudid withdrawal. My greatest fear was of running out it probably is the greatest fear for all addicts because we never want to run out. This is why we go to the lengths we do to get one more.

In my opinion withdrawal from dilaudid is just as bad as heroin withdrawal. The only difference to me is that the withdrawal seems to mess with you a little more mentally as then the cravings do when you run out. Of course you will experience physical withdrawal as well.

When you do run out and you will if you want to stop dilaudid withdrawal it can be done with a lot of action. By this I mean you have to put all your effort into quitting dilaudid. This means that if you are getting them from a Dr. then you must inform them that you are an addict and that you no longer can use any narcotics and want to stop using dilaudid.

This is a good start, now I would suggest that you go to rehab as well there you can be medically detoxed from dilaudid. Most places will use prescription medications to help you with your dilaudid withdrawal and more times and not they will use subutex followed with suboxone.

This normally can take anywhere from 3 to 5 days. I would also suggest that when you finish your dilaudid detox that you continue with residential treatment. This will give you the necessary tools not to return to using once you leave addiction treatment. I would make a plan of action for when you leave treatment also. This could be as simple as getting a schedule of all the 12 step meetings in your area.


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