Methods to stop Dilaudid snorting

How to get help for Dilaudid snorting

This post is all about my dilaudid addiction and how I got help to beat my addiction.

When I first started using this drug I was kind of scared to death shoot them so I snorted dilaudid every day. I used to have a friend that shot them and he introduced me to this method but I was still really scared of shooting dilaudid in fact, I was still scared and could not watch him do me. This did not last long and I was hitting myself. The point I am trying to make here is that snorting dilaudid was not really doing it for me so I started shooting them and it is much more dangerous however the withdrawal is just as bad either way. I would strongly recommend that you do not do what I did because they are pure D hell to kick.

If you think that you may have a problem with dilaudid snorting then I would urge you to seek help. I did not seek help until I was like 34 years old no one need wait that long you can make up your mind to stop snorting hydromorphone today.

One sure fire method to stop dilaudid addiction is to go to rehab. If you do go to rehab you can choose the way in which you would like to go through withdrawal. I personally liked the subutex with a suboxone taper it is for the most part pretty painless. One may not even need rehab thousands of people stop using every day by attending NA meetings the choice is your but you must take action so do so today.

I went thorough treatment so many times I lost count so please do not give up keep trying because one day you will get it right and the miracle will happen.

Everyone should keep in mind that It really does not matter if you are addicted to this opioid drug or another the thing to do is get help and do not let the number of times that you have been to rehab hinder you if I would have done that I would not be clean and sober today. I am confident that any addict and I mean any drug addict can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use drugs and come out on top free from addiction. I have seen it many times all you have to do is take action do the footwork and you too can be free from drug addiction.

There are many opiate rehabs out there that can treat you addiction all you have to do is make the decision to go. So why not do it today?


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