No one need die from a heroin overdose!

Heroin overdose

No one need die from a heroin overdose! Here’s the thing if you have been using heroin for any length of time you have overdosed or know someone who has. Overdose will not frighten a heroin addict but it may frighten the person who is just getting started.

I want to let everyone know now is the time to quit before you become a statistic of a heroin overdose. That’s right I know a lot of my using friends that are now in the happy heroin hunting ground for heroin addicts.I am sure they never saw it coming you never see the bullet that kills you either.

I have had a heroin overdose several times myself and woke up in hospitals and dope houses only to be revived by other heroin addicts sometimes my pockets were picked clean but that’s a small price to pay for someone saving your life. It did not have to happen that way because I have known addicts who have died from heroin overdose and were thrown out the second story window of an apartment. This does not have to happen to you if you stop using heroin today.

I would suggest that if you do not wish to die from a heroin overdose that you seek help. It may be a wise thing to go to heroin treatment in fact; it may be the smartest thing you have ever done. If you do go you can be detoxed from heroin medically then you can continue with residential treatment.

I have done this and then continued on with my recovery with long term heroin treatment I stayed for 2 years that is not as long as it sounds and the benefits you receive are endless. The choice is simple it is either life or death basically if not physical death then a spiritual death which in my opinion is miserable way to live.

While in long term drug rehab I went back to school and I am currently getting ready to graduate with a bachelors degree in Social Work. I write these posts to let everyone know that its never to late to change your life. I was in my late 40's when I went back to school and all I had was a GED.

Before I got clean I never had my own place to stay I just moved to a new place after staying it the old one for 6 years. Who would have thought that a dope fiend like me could turn their life around and find a new way to live.

Good luck


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