Stop at Home heroin detox with suboxone

Home heroin detox with suboxone

I believe it is important for others to know that they have options when it comes to quitting heroin. With this being said here is a great way to quit heroin. It is called home heroin detox with suboxone. I have used this method in the past and it will well but work but there is a big drawback to it though and this is because suboxone is very expensive and as of yet no insurance will cover it. There may be a way to get around this and find some private funding so look around if you are interested in detoxing with suboxone.

A person will have to decide whether they want to quit using heroin in a couple of weeks or they need to do a suboxone maintenance. My doctor recommend that I stay on suboxone for a long period because I was a well seasoned heroin addict. The final decision can be discussed between you and your physician.

The first thing one has to do is find a licensed physician near them that can prescribe suboxone. Once this is done make an appointment to meet with the Dr. and tell them of your plans to stop using at this time ask them if they have any recommendations for you. Maybe you already know how you want to stop if this is the case simply let them know and they will write you a prescription for the dosage and how often they can be taken. If they happen to not be strong enough do not freak out this does happen just give them a call and they will up your dosage. This has happened to me this is why I am letting you know about this.

Now once you are actually doing your home heroin detox with suboxone you can be comfortable with the idea of not having to worry about the heroin withdrawal with suboxone this should be a relief to all. Itwill be important that you do other things for your recovery. Maybe NA meetings will help you I went to NA meetings every day when I first stopped using but we must take action that is what recovery is all about. Anyway I think this should be a great start for anyone who wants to stop heroin with suboxone.

Good luck


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