Stop heroin cold turkey using these unique recovery methods

Stop cold turkey heroin 

A lot of people have no other choice but to stop heroin cold turkey. I think the main reason for this is that they have no insurance to cover a stay in heroin rehab.

If you have been thinking about stopping heroin cold turkey here is a list of things that may also help you to make up your mind because it will take action on your part to beat heroin addiction.

1. Be prepared for stomach and leg cramps.

2. Another thing you need to be aware of is insomnia.

3. Hot or cold sweats and goose bumps.

4. Runny nose and diorama.

5. Anxiety.

6. Wanting to use- urges.

This is just a few of the most common heroin withdrawal symptoms there can be a lot more.

If you choose to stop heroin cold turkey I would suggest you may want to stay awake a lot a couple of days before you actually quit this may help you to sleep through a lot of the withdrawal.

I would also invite someone to stay with me because an addict alone is in bad company plus it will encourage you not to give up.

Now I think it is necessary to get a few medications to help you with headace and leg cramps Motrin works fine for this you will probably have trouble sleeping so get some over the counter Benadryl. With all of this you are ready to detox from heroin.

I would make some plans for after you stop using heroin cold turkey. This could include finding out where the local NA meetings are and what time they meet. I would make a list of the meetings I planned on attending. Attending meetings will help get you out of the house and allow you to make some new friends that do not use drugs I can not stress enough how important this is.


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