Using the Heroin withdrawal with suboxone method to beat heroin

If you have came to the conclusion that you are tired of using heroin and have tried time and time again unsuccessfully to stop then here is something that you may not have tried and it is called heroin withdrawal with suboxone.

There are a couple ways you can actually use suboxone to kick heroin one of them is to go to heroin treatment. There they will withdrawal you from heroin using suboxone and this will more undoubtedly be done by a staff of trained professionals. There will be no pressure on you to do anything so you can basically take it easy for the first 3 to 5 days while you are detoxing from heroin. Then you can move on to residential treatment.

The next way I am going to share with you can be done in the comfort of your own home however; suboxone is very expensive so this will not be for everyone. It can be justified because look at the amount we were spending on heroin every day so this is a drop in the bucket compared to that and if it works you will save an unlimited amount of money.

The first thing you will need to do is find a Dr. that is licensed to prescribe suboxone. Then you will have to make an appointment, you should be able to get in rather fast because they are pretty much prepared for this and they know we need help fast. Now once you meet with the Dr. tell him of your plans to stop using heroin and ask to be placed on suboxone also at this time let him know exactly the way you would like to do it. If you are unsure then ask for help.

I know you can do a heroin withdrawal with suboxone in as little as 14 to 21 days it is basically a personal preference. The Dr. is well trained for this and can set you up for a fast or a long heroin detox with suboxone.


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