How to Quit dilaudid in drug rehab with a medical detox

Hydromorphone is the actual drug which is the trade name for dilaudid and Palladone it is a very potent analgesic drug from the opiate family.It is a derivative of morphine or in other words it is basically a semi synthetic drug. It is therefore legally a narcotic and regulated by the Federal Government.

Hydromorphine is generally used as an alternative to morphine and it is a very potent pain reliever. It is generally used to help with moderate to severe cases of pain. Another thing it is used for is dilaudid can also be found in cough medicines. It is claimed that hydromorphone is around eight to ten times stronger than morphine and three to five times stronger than heroin. This means that it is highly addictive drug and it potentially has a risk for dilaudid addiction. It was invented in 1924 shortly after heroin was removed for medical use. Hydromorphine is currently listed as a Schedule II drug from the United States Controlled substance act of 1970.

In my opinion dilaudid is becoming over prescribed; for example, from 1998 the number of prescriptions has risen from around a half million to nearly two million in 2006. This is a huge increase and I am of the opinion that it opens the door for potential dilaudid addiction and when this occurs and one suddenly stops using dilaudid then you will become very sick and go through dilaudid withdrawal.

I would have to recommend that if you want to stop using dilaudid then you either try tapering off of them by cutting back a pill or so per day. If this does not work for you then I would have to suggest that you try dilaudid treatment there you can be medically detoxed from dilaudid with no worry about dilaudid withdrawal.

The best thing a person can do that becomes addicted to this drug is to seek help and treatment in some type of opiate addiction rehab where they can be medically detoxed. This process normally only takes 3 to 5 days and you will be made very comfortable by a trained medical staff the will administer medications to help ease your withdrawal.


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