How to stop smoking crack cocaine

I have yet to see a person smoke one rock and put it down. Crack cocaine is the type of drug that will continue to call you until you are dead broke and will not stop there. I have seen dope fiends get in the car three deep and head for the malls to do some boosting to get more drugs. Crack cocaine addiction can cause addicts go through a $1000 in a few hours and in a week it is not uncommon to spend $10,000.
This is the most insidious drug I have ever come across and believe me I pretty much covered them all. It seems to be especially difficult for females to stop using crack. I am not one hundred percent sure why this is I know once they start using they will often trade sex for a rock. I am not saying that men do not have a hard time getting clean I just see more men at meetings that are clean from smoking crack than women; however there are a lot of women at are meetings and I would encourage any woman to go to a NA meeting and meet some of these females who are clean if you want to learn how to stop smoking crack cocaine. 

There are also a wide variety of treatment centers available today for any suffering addict who has the desire to stop crack. I would suggest you get help today crack cocaine addiction is a very dangerous. I can not tell you the number of people who I knew who died from smoking it.

I know that once you quit smoking crack you have to keep very busy because the drug will keep calling for months but it will be less frequent the longer you remain clean.


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