Heroin Home detox for those who can not afford drug rehab

Many people can not afford to go to rehab this leave leaves them with the option of a heroin home detox. You may be saying now how do I go about this, well keep reading and I will explain how you can get through this with the best heroin home detox One thing to keep in mind is that this kind of detox is going to be downright unpleasant and this may be putting it mildly. Although some people who follow these suggestions may not find it too difficult. Even if you went to rehab in some instances your detox will be uncomfortable this is just the price we pay for getting addicted to heroin.

Heroin home detox

If it were me in your shoes I would make a plan of how I intended to do a heroin home detox; for instance, I would plan to stay awake as much as humanly possible 2 days prior to the day I wanted to stop. The idea behind this madness is to make you as tired as possible then perhaps with a little luck you will be able to sleep through the worst of your heroin withdrawal. I would also invite another person to come and stay with me during this detox. They can be there for moral support. I can not tell you how important it is to have someone there to keep you from giving up.

Another thing I would do is go to the pharmacy and get some over the counter medications to help with the heroin withdrawal.  I would get some Motrin, Benadryl, and some diarrhea medication. The Motrin will help leg cramps and headaches and the Benadryl may help you sleep. This is pretty much all you need to detox at home from heroin.

Good luck


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