Heroin for dummies

Well seems New York is in the spotlight again and believe it or not it’s about heroin again. The story goes that around $ 35,000 was spent on fliers that describe in detail how to prepare and shoot heroin into your arm. It is said that the health department handed out 70,000 of them.

This is the most outrageous sort of nonsense I have heard of in a while. I mean what could they have been thinking, are they trying to lure more young folks into becoming addicted to heroin with these said to be comic like illustrations. "It's basically step-by-step instruction on how to inject a poison," said John Gilbride, who heads the Drug Enforcement Administration's New York office. Furthermore the pamphlet advises things to would be dope users like to jump up and down by doing this it will make it easier to find a vein for injecting heroin. It also tells them that if they miss the vein to keep trying until they find it. How crazy is that. Have these people lost their fringing minds or what?

Heroin for dummies

Why not offer a couple bags of dope to go along with the flyers to practice with. In my opinion this is sending the wrong message. I do not have to be a drug expert to have some common sense. The thing here is I am a recovering heroin addict and one never knows how strong the heroin is actually going to be and to teach this to beginners is extremely dangerous. Don’t get me wrong any way you choose to do heroin keep in mind that it is dangerous but it is especially dangerous shooting heroin.

This is a plan and simple misuse of city funds and it comes when more and more teens are trying heroin, now this seems almost like a lure they will not be able to pass up. Way to go New York officials. One can try as hard as they want to keep there needles clean but the fact is no matter what they will not be sterile and this can cause hepatitis and if they share with friends can cause AIDs.

The name of the guidebook, is Take Charge, Take Care, I have not seen it but is said to have sections on overdosing, testing for HIV and hepatitis, how to "prepare drugs carefully" and "how to take care of your veins." The flier doses not identify the city agency as its creator but mentions a group called LifeNet.


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