What are the benefits of Heroin detox

Let me just start by that you must be here because you have a problem with heroin or know someone who does or my guess is you would not be reading this. If you do have a problem and it is your intention to detox from heroin I will give you a tip or two on how to go about it. When one actually makes up their mind to stop using heroin and surrenders completely they will have a few heroin detox options available to them. My experience is that when ever one decides to detox for heroin they will want to figure out how they intend to do so.

What are the benefits of Heroin detox

The first way is called heroin cold turkey but I have to be upfront with you the heroin withdrawals are miserable. You will have to face…these heroin withdrawal symptoms plus you probably will not have any medications to help you with this.

Heroin withdrawal symptoms

Chills and goose bumps



Runny nose



You will probably more than likely be wanting to give up and go get a bag of dope before you are half way through. I know that’s what I wanted to do the minute I felt a little dope sick but I stuck it out. You too can make it through your heroin detox if you just hold on. First thing I would do is to get rid all of my using utensils. Then I would invite someone to come stay will me it could be a close friend or even a family member. This is very important because we need to feel like someone actually cares enough about us to sit by our side and cheer us on when the going gets tuff and trust me it will. I had a bucket next to the bed because I was too sick to go to the bathroom to puke.

Heroin detox options

I would strongly recommend that you have a plan on how you intend to remain clean when you are finished with your heroin detox. One heroin detox option would be maybe you will want to attend a 12 step meeting like NA or perhaps get involved with addiction counseling. The choice is yours but unless you want to relapse in no time flat you had better heed the word now.

Heroin rapid detox

Another way that is more suitable is heroin rapid detox. There they will give you a local anesthesia to make you unconscious and then administer drugs to remove all the opiates from your system this can be done in a single day. then your heroin detox will be complete. This is all done by trained professionals. I will add here that you may not even remember going through your withdrawal.


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