How to make it through heroin detox without using

Do you want to know how to make it through heroin detox? The answer is simple, but the execution is not easy. Heroin is a very powerful drug. Once heroin has you hooked you have got a tiger by the tail. Freeing yourself from heroin addiction requires nothing short of divine intervention. That's what it will take for a successful heroin detox. By successful I mean getting clean and having the desire to remain clean.

Getting off heroin or getting one more hit, this is the dilemma of the heroin addict. Research has shown that most heroin addicts relapse between 10 and 25 times before they are able to free themselves. Users who had not had any heroin in twelve hours begin to suffer heroin withdrawal symptoms. They include stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, body tremors, chills and generalized pain. Most users find it easier to just go get some dope rather than try to figure out how to detox.

Kicking the habit How to make it through heroin detox

Currently there are three paths to sobriety for heroin addicts. The most commonly used method is the assisted opiate withdrawal procedure. The withdrawal pains become mild, but this treatment can take years. Others choose to go into a three to six month program that offers 'talk therapy', some drugs and a support system to assist the addict.

There is a newer, faster method of rehabilitation from heroin that has come onto the market in the past decade. It is called Accelerated Neuroregulation (ANR). In this process the addict is placed under anesthesia and kept in a hospital and treated with Lofexidine. Within hours the addict is free of addiction. It is advertised as being fast and painless, but studies have shown it may lead to death, psychosis, delirium, suicide attempts, abnormal heart rhythm and acute renal failure. It also costs between $5,000. and $15,000.

Kicking the heroin habit can be painful, drawn out and dangerous. The best heroin detox would involve putting your trust in a higher power and steel yourself against the pain. It has been my experience when you can not find help anywhere a higher power wiil be there 24-7.


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