What are my options for Vicodin Addiction Treatment

Vicodin is a prescription drug that is used to treat and relieve moderate to severe pain in humans. This drug, which contains both hydrocodone and paracetamol, is usually prescribed in a pill form, and can also be found in generic brands. In the United States, all manufacturing, importing, and distribution of vicodin is regulated by the federal government. Vicodin has been classified by the United States government as a Schedule III drug, which means that it can cause moderate physical and physcological dependence if not used in the prescribed manner. Essentially, this means that patients who are prescribed vicodin can become addicted to the drug. Being that the main ingreidant in vicodin is hydrocodone I am going to suggest hydrocodone treatment.

Those who become end up with a vicodin addiction will have many treatment options available to them. These treatments are similar to those used for other drug addictions. The best course of action for an addicted person is to seek help from a drug rehabilitation facility. The first step in a rehabilitation facility is to stop taking vicodin and detox the body. Many facilities will slowly lower the amount of the drug you are given so that you can gradually stop use altogether. This is far easier than simply quitting cold turkey. While lowering the dosage of vicodin the patient is given, the patient will experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cold sweats, runny nose, and increased feelings of anxiety and depression. These symptoms will decrease over time and eventually disappear.
Vicodin treatment options

Most rehabilitation facilities offer vicodin treatment options such as group and individual therapy sessions for addicts. It is important that people trying to fight an addiction attend these sessions in order to gain support. The other people attending these sessions know exactly what you are experiencing and will be able to give you advice and comfort. It is very helpful to recovering addicts to know that they are not alone and that they will get through this process and be a better person for it.


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