Natural heroin detox may be the solution to overcome heroin addiction

I found a real solution for natural heroin detox.

For anyone who has been through it, heroin detox always was the most dreaded thing on earth. They came from abusing something that we had no respect for in terms to the toll it could take on our bodies. The last thing on earth you ever would want to rely on for relief is another drug of equal magnitude. Methadone and Suboxone are plain evil in my eyes. This comes from having had to use them before, not from some 'high and mighty' place of self-righteousness. It wasn't until the very end of my battle with opiate withdrawals that I found an oddly kept secret a way I like to call natural heroin detox.

About two years ago, I found a mystic Shoppe that offered many different natural alternatives to modern day medicine. And, right off the bat, I was skeptical to say the least. But, after getting some user recommendations from people whose opinion I trust, I purchased a bag of Kratom in leaf form. I was absolutely sick of the damage I was doing to not only my body, but my soul. The days of euphoric bliss were evolved into a waking nightmare, and this is where it all ended for me. I downed this Kratom leaves, trying to avoid the choking of crushed leaves with a weak gag reflex. Thinking that maybe the only thing that would be gained would be from a placebo effect, I thought I knew what I was in for. This stuff not only kicked in about an hour later, but my opiate withdrawals subsided completely as well. I'm telling you the absolute truth, this stuff felt better than any man made medicine. It was almost too good, but has some kind of natural 'turn-off' switch in your brain that let's you know when enough is enough. I am kicking myself for not having known that I could have very cheaply and effectively managed my heroin detox without going to a really very expensive heroin rehab.

This post was written for me by another recovering addict and I thought someone out there may wish to try it. I know I have read a lot about it and people do claim that krantom leaves do ease the pain of opiate detox . If it works that is great but the key is once you get clean to stay clean. I would have this plan in place before I was through with my detox from heroin.

Krantom leaves video


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