The history of Heroine addiction

I was interested in the history of heroine addiction so I happened to look up the word heroine online the other day this is one of many examples I found but I really liked this example a woman who is idealized for having superior qualities. Well I certainly would have to agree with this because she certainly does. Heroine addiction affects all walks of life from your CEO to your upper middle class no one is really immune or basically effected in some way or another by this insidious disease.

This type of addiction does not care whether you came from park place or park bench. Heroin overdose is on the rise because it seems it has found some new victims to claim, that's right a lot of are young folks have started smoking heroin they like this too because they call it "chasing the dragon" and think this is cool it won't be so cool when the dragon rears it's ugly head and takes a bite out of there behind. One reason for this is the purity of heroine has increased also over the years. When I started using you had to know the right people to get good dope. This does not to seem to be the case these days.

One thing I know for sure is that if you use heroine for any length of time sooner or later you are going to run out. Ether you will run out of money or whatever but you will run out when this happens you are going to go through heroine withdrawal whether you like it or not.

Heroine had the quality to become my mistress for sure and she kicked my butt every time and treated me like a red headed step child. She raped me of all my dignity as well as took all my money. She also came between me and my loved ones and kept me in and out of jail yes she does have superior qualities and all of them are meant to destroy and end up killing you with a heroin addiction.

                      Dilaudid kit

Heroine addiction
 I think maybe the first time I tried heroin I was around 17 years old and it made me puke my guts out. I never used it again for quite a long time. Any way and addiction to dilaudid changed that in a hurry because I knew a guy that had them so I tried them out and I ended up using dilaudid every day for a year.

I used to also play around with methadone programs when I ran out of heroine not really wanting to stop using heroine just wanting something to tide me over until my next run. I believe it was around a 2 years after initially trying this drug that I acquired a heroine addiction.

This came about from shooting heroine every day for well over a year this is when I actually realized I may had a heroin addiction for real because every time I ran out I would start to go through heroine withdrawal. I tried many times unsuccessfully to kick heroin but I could never stay clean more than a week or two. I did numerous heroin detox's from heroin countless times only to get out and use again sometimes right after leaving rehab the same day. That’s pretty sick what I mean by this is going to heroin adddiction rehab to get help for the withdrawal get clean and go use the same day. I called it a relapse but I am not sure if it is worthy of being called a relapse because I did not aquire any clean time so to speak. We have to learn how to live life on life's terms if we are ever to learn how to beat  heroine addiction.

How to overcome heroine addiction

I did not get clean and stop using heroin for real until I was beaten down real good then I entered long term drug rehab for heroin addiction help. Long term treatment usually lasts anywhere for 6 months to 2 years. I made up my mind that I really needed to change so I stayed the full 2 years. I would not hesitate to suggest this to anyone who sincerely wants to stop using heroin.
I will close here rehab changed my life and everything about it. I am clean today because of this and you can beat heroin addiction too. All you have to have is the desire to stop using heroin and then take the action to do so.

Good luck


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