Dilaudid Addiction strategies that will help you find recovery

Dilaudid Addiction strategies 

Dilaudid addiction can happen to anyone and without warning. An opiate painkiller derived from morphine, Dilaudid is the brand name for the drug hydromorphone, which is prescribed to manage moderate to severe pain. Most addictions begin when a patient is legitimately prescribed the medication. Tolerance to Dilaudid can build very quickly. The tolerance begins when the person starts to take more of the medication than was prescribed for them.

This usually occurs when they are in pain and take a one or two extra pills to ease the pain and before they realize it they have created a tolerance. This is pretty much called dependence or in other words it could be considered the onset of dilaudid addiction. Many users also report a euphoric sensation when using Dilaudid this is the rush that they get when shooting dilaudid.

Preventing a dependence and perhaps avoid a Dilaudid addiction is important for patients who must take the drug. Patients should follow the dosage instructions exactly. A patient should never take more Dilaudid than prescribed or take it more frequently than advised by the doctor. A patient should call his doctor immediately if he feels he is building a tolerance to the medication.

Dilaudid withdrawal syndrome is a red flag indicator that a patient is addicted. Withdrawal symptoms can develop within minutes of when a patient stops taking the medication and last for hours. Signs of Dilaudid withdrawal include nausea, vomiting, insomnia, sweating, rigid muscles, rapid heartbeat, and flu-like symptoms.

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Dilaudid Addiction strategies

Overcoming an addiction to dilaudid often requires a residential drug treatment program, preferably one with experience treating opiate withdrawal. Dilaudid withdrawal should only be attempted under close medical supervision. Now for those of you who think that they may have a dilaudid addiction I would recommend that you seek help that is if you really want to stop using dilaudid and find a new way to live. This can be done in the form of long term drug rehab. There you will be medically detoxed from dilaudid. This process will be overseen by a staff of trained professionals who will administer prescription medications to help ease any discomfort that will occur during withdrawal.

This is probably the best bet for most people do not have what it takes to kick dilaudid cold turkey. I would have a plan in place for when I got out of rehab for attending 12 step meetings. This will help insure that you to stay clean.


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