How you can quit using Methadone with drug Detox help

Methadone Detox help 

Millions of people turn to methadone detox to handle their withdrawal symptoms from opiates, but is this a safe form of treatment? Dealing with opiate withdrawals can be a nightmare for anyone, but dealing with treatment side effects are considered equally as problematic. There are many ethical questions that come into play when it comes to opiate replacement therapy, as well as a list of dangerous complications caused by the long term use of methadone. Although methadone treatment can provide instant relief from the opiate withdrawal symptoms, there are many downfalls to methadone addiction.

Methadone detox can last for up to 6 months, slowly making its way out of your system. This is considerably longer than with traditional opiates, and some may say, more intrusive. In addition to the long-lasting and painful symptoms of methadone withdrawal, there are its effects on your digestive system. Sometimes referred to as "gut rot," methadone can lead to many stomach complications, such as ulcers, and acid reflux disease. The additional strain on your system is apparent with only a few instances of skipping a dose. Some people get on methadone to kick a heroin addiction and end up on it for the rest of their life. I was on methadone maintenance program for over 3 years the only way I got off of it was by going to jail so in this case I thank God for allowing it to happen.

The Dangers of Methadone Detox

Millions of people turn to methadone detox to handle their withdrawal symptoms from opiates, but is this a safe form of treatment? Dealing with opiate withdrawals can be a nightmare for anyone, but dealing with treatment side effects are considered equally as problematic. There are many ethical questions that come into play when it comes to opiate replacement therapy, as well as a list of dangerous complications caused by the long term use of methadone. Although methadone treatment can provide instant relief from the opiate withdrawal symptoms, there are many downfalls when it comes to.

Methadone detox can last for up to 6 months, slowly making its way out of your system. This is considerably longer than with traditional opiates, and some may say, more intrusive. In addition to the long-lasting and painful symptoms of methadone withdrawal, there are its effects on your digestive system. Sometimes referred to as "gut rot," methadone can lead to many stomach complications, such as ulcers, and acid reflux disease. The additional strain on your system is apparent with only a few instances of skipping a dose. Some people get on methadone to kick a heroin addiction and end up on it for the rest of their life. I was on methadone maintenance program for over 3 years the only way I got off of it was by going to jail where I went through methadone withdrawal cold turkey so in this case I thank God for allowing it to happen.

There are new methods of treatment to begin getting yourself free from the hold of methadone. Medicines like Suboxone offer relief from the symptoms, as well as implement a plan for your own recovery. Keep in mind, that any form of medicine to correct this problem will have its own risks of addiction as well and side effects. Make sure to think about this seriously and seek medical advice before deciding which road to take for your rapid methadone opiate detox recovery.

One can also go to methadone clinic and be medically detoxed from methadone. This is done by a staff of medically trained individuals who will try to make you as comfortable as possible. They will give you prescription medications to help with the pain of methadone withdrawl. This type of methadone detox normally takes around 5 days but if you want to stay clean I suggest that you continue your recovery in residential treatment. Anyway now you have some great ideas on how to stop using methadone and overcome methadone addiction. Take action now and start a new life free from methadone.

There are new methods of treatment to begin getting yourself free from the hold of methadone. Medicines like Suboxone offer relief from the symptoms, as well as implement a plan for your own recovery. Keep in mind, that any form of medicine to correct this problem will have its own risks of addiction as well and side effects. Make sure to seek medical advice before deciding which road to take for your rapid methadone opiate detox recovery.

Methadone Detox

One can also go to methadone rehab for methadone detox help and be medically detoxed from methadone. This is done by a staff of medically trained individuals who will try to make you as comfortable as possible. They will give you prescription medications to help with the pain of methadone withdrawl. This type of methadone detox normally takes around 5 days but if you want to stay clean I suggest that you continue your recovery in residential treatment. Anyway now you have some great ideas on how to stop using methadone and overcome methadone addiction. Take action now and start a new life free from methadone.


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