Is there such a thing as Tramadol addiction?

If you are reading this, you may be asking yourself how to overcome Tramadol addiction, whether for this be for yourself or a loved one. Tramadol is the generic form of Ultram, a narcotic like medication used for moderate to severe pain, though is also used for other conditions, as well. No more than 300mg should ever be used per day. Seizures have been reported by those that use Tramadol, especially when combined with other medications will cause tramadol addiction and one must not forget that tramadol overdoses can be fatal, as many overdoses are.

How to beat tramadol addiction

The good news is that there are ways to beat tramadol addiction pattern. It is not recommended to try to stop tramdol or detox from Tramadol without medical supervision, as it can cause hallucinations, anxiety, sweating, tremors and chills, to name a few. Talk to your doctor about detoxing safely from Tramadol. It, as many narcotic drugs are, is very dangerous to not only consume over the recommended daily amount, but also to attempt to stop your tramadol addiction on your own is not necessary.

Tramadol falls into the opiate category. Withdrawing from Tramadol, or any opiate, can be very difficult on the person and the body. You can choose a rapid detox, which varies from the Waismann Method, to Accelerated Neuro-Regulation (ANR), and other traditional methods.

Medical supervision while withdrawing from Tramadol is imperative. It is comforting to the patient to know there tramadol addiction is being treated professionally, and medically recommended. After initial withdrawal, it is helpful to combine a support system and knowledge base. Programs like Narcotics/Alcoholic Anonymous are great. These programs keep you accountable for your behavior and provide a huge database of people that have similar experiences. Though there are many people addicted that simply build a resistance to Tramadol and feel the need to take more to reach the desired effect. When one gets to this point it is time to look for some ways on how to defeat this tramadol addiction.

Overcome tramadol addiction

More good news is that there are choices to help overcome your tramadol addcition, safely and effectively. One could ask there Dr. to give them some information on how to taper there selves off of the drug. This will work for those who have not been taking them for an extended period of time. If you have the desire to kick your tramadol addiction you must take action. I would suggest trying something like a NA or out patient counsling. People are using this program every day to keep from returning to active addiction.
Good luck


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