Five Science Blogs You Should Know About

(If you don’t already).

“Neuroscience and psychology tricks to find out what's going on inside your brain.”

Mind Hacks was originally a book by Tom Stafford and Matt Webb, subtitled “Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain.” Mind Hacks the blog has top-notch coverage of everything you can think of having to do with the brain. On Fridays, Vaughan Bell writes a weekly post, “Spike Activity,” which summarizes and links to the worldwide blogodome’s best posts about mind, brain, and culture from the preceding week.  Truly one of my first stops when it’s time to surf. Refreshingly, the site does not take ads or sponsored links.

“Topics from Multidimensional Biopsychosocial Perspectives.”

Dr. Shaheen Lakhan, editor of Brain Blogger and executive director of the Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation, writes: “When we started blogging a few years ago, there were excellent science and medicine blogs, but none that truly captured the multidimensional aspects of health from biological, psychological, sociological, technological, and economical perspectives.” Topics covered include mental health stigmatization, living with a brain disorder, deep brain stimulation for depression, and addiction issues. Disclosure: I occasionally write articles for Brain Blogger.

“ is a system for identifying the best, most thoughtful blog posts about peer-reviewed research.”

According to information posted on the site, “Since many blogs combine serious posts with more personal or frivolous posts, our site offers a way to find only the most carefully-crafted posts about cutting-edge research, often written by experts in their respective fields.” Posts that meet the blog’s guidelines are displayed in easy-to-follow lists, and there are also weekly roundups.  Bloggers are able to mark their submitted posts with a Research Blogging icon for easy visibility on their own site. More or less exactly what you want out of a science blog aggregator.

Psychiatry, biology, medicine and mental health posts from an anonymous psychiatrist working “at a small community hospital somewhere in the USA.”

At The Corpus Callosum, editor Joseph puts up detailed, scrupulously accurate posts about everything from predicting antidepressant-related suicidality to post-traumatic stress disorder, and does so in a calm, measured tone of authority.  Another favorite of mine.

 “Jonah Lehrer is a contributing editor at Wired. He's also written for The New Yorker, Seed, Nature, and the New York Times and is a contributor to Radiolab.”

The hyperkinetic Jonah Lehrer is also the author of Proust Was A Neuroscientist and How We Decide. The former Rhodes scholar recently published a thought-provoking look at depression in the New York Times Magazine. On his blog, he’s likely to post about anything that catches his eye, and he’s got a good eye.

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