How You Can Get through Heroin Withdrawal

This is for all the addicts who want to know how they can get through heroin withdrawal

I know that there is a whole lot of interest in heroin withdrawal. To me this is a red light indicator that heroin use is once again on the rise. There can be many reasons why this is but I am not going to get into that at this time because today I am going share with you many methods of how to a person can get thorough  withdrawal and stop using narcotics, get clean, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live clean .

Let’s start with that I am a heroin addict and I used heroine for a minimum of 32 years however I am clean today and my goal is helping others to get clean too. Therefore I am able to share my experience strengths and hopes with everyone and help give them hope too. My goal is to help as many people as possible to get through heroin withdrawal.

If getting clean was easy there would be no need to write these heroin blogs who would need them. Unfortunately this is not the case. In other words it is not going to be easy but you can do it believe that!

How You Can Get through  opiate withdrawal

Heroin Detox 

I will now share some methods of the ways that I have kicked heroin in the past. Here they are. First thing I want to say is you will not die from withdraw from this drug. I would not be concerned about it unless you have severe health issues you should have nothing to fear from a heroin detox. Most heroin addicts have an unrealistic fear of what they will have to go through when they stop using heroin. I say this because most of what they have heard about it is in fact a rumor. Some of the blame goes to Hollywood. I have know a lot of heroin addicts and have been to numerous treatment and heroin detox centers and I have yet to see an addict die from withdrawal and I used for most of my life.

If you really want to stop using I suggest that you get some heroin help this can come in the form of NA meetings or your best bet is to check into some type of heroin rehab. There you can detox in comfort more or less. I have done this so many times I lost count so if this is not your first time through rehab there is nothing to be ashamed of many of us end up using again for one reason or another  you are not a failure just pick yourself up and try again and keep on trying never ever give up before the miracle happens.

Heroin cold turkey

Heroin cold turkey one way to stop if you don't know what this is it means quitting heroin with absolutely nothing for your withdrawal from heroin this means no mind altering substances. I have done this and I would not recommend self medicating during this type of detox it does not work well trust me here we are trying to get clean and adding more mind altering substances is not the answer we are looking for.

What I would do if I was planning on beating heroin cold turkey is invite a friend of family member to come stay with me while I detox from heroin. They could prove to be the deciding factor whether you make it or not. They are a great form of moral support and it is nice to know that someone cares about us enough to help us get clean.

Heroin home detox

Another option is heroin home detox this can be done in the privacy of your own home. This is a great way to go if you think that you are able to do what it takes. There are some things that you can do to help. One is try to stay awake as much as possible a couple days before you intend to kick. This may help you to sleep through the worst of your heroine withdrawal. I would also go to the pharmacy pick up some Motrin for cramping and headaches. Some people will need some type of diarrhea medication also. This can be done but keep in mind that most people give up before they are half way through.

Rapid heroin detox

Next I will tell you about rapid heroin detox. First of all you will want to know it is going to be rather expensive; in fact, it will cost thousands of dollars. It was not cheap purchasing heroin on a daily basis either. The question you may want to ask yourself is getting clean worth any amount of money I have. If you can afford it I do not think one can put a price tag on sobriety and this form of heroin help.

What will happen when you arrive at the rapid heroin detox is a staff of medically trained assistants will administer anesthesia to put you to sleep. Once you are under they will then give you prescription medications to flush all the opiates from your body. This can take several hours. When you wake up the idea is you will be entirely drug free and should not experience any physical symptoms. I said this was the idea some people have reported that this procedure is lacking. It also can be dangerous so patients have died from being under to long.

suboxone detox

Now this is what you have to do to detox this way. Go to a Dr. and tell them of your plans to kick heroin and that you would like a 21 day supply of Suboxone to help you get through the heroin symptoms. He can tell you how often to take them. Now you are good to go for your suboxone detox. This approach is relatively painless but keep in mind this medication is very expensive and probably not covered by insurance.

One more suggestion I would make at this point is that make plans for when you leave treatment. I think it wise to make a list of the NA meetings you plan to attend in your area you can get a pamphlet at a meeting that will tell you of all the meetings in your area. These meetings are a great way to get heroin help.

Also it is a good idea to set some goals that you would like to accomplish in your first 30 days this will give you something to work towards. I would recommend that you take action now heroin addiction can be deadly so make plans to overcome heroin addiction today.

I have personally used all of these methods, so choose the one to your liking now don't wait! Make the decision to quit heroin today and start living and enjoying life the way it was meant to be which is drug free. Anyone can stop using; lose the desire to use drugs, and find a new way to live, so can you.

 The best Opiate Detox

Where can I do an opiate detox? What types of drug detox from opiates and other narcotics like heroin are available? What can I expect from an opiate or drug detox?

You may be asking yourself these questions and more, if you or a loved one are facing detox from drugs or alcohol. There are many, many detox venues offering all manner of types of treatment. Some detox programs offer comprehensive, clinical administration of detox methods, along with group meetings, sober living homes, and outpatient services and assistance. Others consist of a 30-day methadone or suboxone program for heroin detox, where you show up daily and drink a 2 oz. cup of the substance, which mimics the metabolic traits of heroin. 

There are stay-at-home opiate detox programs, which treat withdrawal symptoms, along with symptoms of muscle pain, diarrhea, and insomnia. Good news for users trying to kick the habit is that major physical withdrawal symptoms begin to subside within 3 to 5 days and you should start to feel a lot better after approximately 1-2 weeks. But other symptoms, such as a lingering need for drugs or alcohol, and depression that goes with the major changes that alcohol or drug detox put you through, last much longer, and should be dealt with through counseling and other outpatient services like 12 step programs.

Rapid Opiate Detox

The rapid opiate detox, refers to a process of when someone is rapidly detoxing from opiates. This is a fairly new medical procedure that opiate addicts can go through with in order to get the opiates out of their system. The withdrawal process for opiate addicts, when done without this medical process, is extremely painful and can last for days. At times, quit using without medical help die due to poor health from long use of opiates. Keep in mind that this is very rare.

The opiate detox process is easy to understand and grasp, but pricey. Most medical insurances will not cover this procedure. Basically, opiate addicts wishing to have this procedure done will be taken to medically equipped detox facility. The individual will be sedated using anesthesia. Opiate receptors will rapidly be flushed through the body using prescription medications. This process cleanses the body. The procedure takes about 3 to 4 hour to complete.

After the procedure most patients do not experience any heroin withdrawl symptoms and most can go back to living their normal lives three days after the procedure. This procedure shows an estimated 65 percent success rate compared to regular withdrawal or detox programs that have only a 10 to 20 percent success rate.

These are all great ways to kick heroin. There is no reason why you should continue using. Have you not had enough of abusing yourself and your loved ones? Quit making excuses to continue using and take action this can begin by making a commitment to take action and admitting to yourself and another person that you need help. This is the first step to freedom from active addiction. Take action now and find a drug rehab facility today before its to late. Many people die of heroin overdose before they get this opportunity.

I was an active heroin user for over 30 yrs and I was able to quit using heroin and find a new way to live without any mind alternation substances so can you!

 Get some heroin help today.

Good luck

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