How you can overcome heroin addiction with the 5 day detox

I have noticed a lot of interest in 5 day detox. coming from the UK. I have heard that they have a special 5 day detox program. Well you don’t really need nothing fancy for a 5 day detox.

Lets just call it heroin Detox 5 because thats what this site is mainly about. Detox 5 can be done in your own home. That’s right you can kick heroin while lying on your couch watching the sports channel that is if you are not to sick to even see the picture. Yes if you choose the detox 5 you are going to be sick with out any medications to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with heroin withdrawal.

I have done this before several over here in the United States this type of detox is better know as heroin cold turkey or cold turkey heroin take your pick they are the exact same thing.

If you plan on quitting heroin like this you can expect some pretty serious withdrawal symptoms like……



Puking or vomiting

Muscle cramps


Nervousness or irritability

There is a good chance that you may experience some that I failed to mention also.

Most people do not have what it takes to succeed with the detox 5 they give up and go use before they are half way through. If for what ever reason you are serious about stopping this way give it a shot. Any time one is giving it a try is great. Now I would strongly suggest that you invite a friend or family member to come stay with you while you detox. They can be a form of moral support plus they may be the deciding factor of whether or not you make it through heroin withdrawal.
Like I said earlier it is huge for any addict to try to stop using whether you succeed or not because nothing beats a try but a failure. Even if you do not make it the first time around do not give up. It took me well over 30 years to put any substantial clean time together it does not have to take you this long.

Good luck

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