How to prevent a Heroin overdose

I think that heroin overdose can be linked to the purity or the heroin drug. In recent years the quality of heroin has improved drastically; for instance back in the 70’s one was lucky if they got a bag of dope with a purity of 7% but today it is not uncommon to find heroin as pure as 20%. With this being said it is very common for addicts to die of a heroin overdose these days. I can not tell you the number of people I used with who died of a heroin overdose.

In my opinion what happens is your average heroin addict gets hooked and wants to feel like they did when they first began using the heroin drug. When this does not happen they take more to achieve the desired effect and if this is done continually it will cause a tolerance to the drug. Now when this happens in order to keep from going through the thin any heroin addict fears the most the dreaded heroin withdrawal the addict pushes his luck to the limit. I say this because if they are shooting heroin they really do not know how pure the content of their purchase is. This can and does cause death from heroin overdose.

Now if you are luck like I was more than once a friend or another addict will revive you or call an ambulance. When I was deep into my heroin addiction I was saved both ways. I fell out once and my friend ran outside and got some snow and put it on my nuts and this brought me out of it. Another time they called the ambulance. When I woke up in the hospital I had tubes down my throat an IV and a tube in my penis.

I asked the nurse when I could go home continually asking for her to take the tubes out. After what seemed like forever I seen the Dr. I asked him could I please go home he said why do you have some more heroin at home? I said certainly not lying through my teeth.

I just wanted to get the hell out of there so I could go home and get high. Never mind the fact that I just overdosed and dam near died this did not matter I had to have it. This sounds sick and it is but it is common behavior for most people who are into drugs rather heavily.

The best way I know to prevent a heroin overdose is to stop using heroin and go to rehab.

Good luck


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