Best method for Marijuana detox

Best method for Marijuana detox

Marijuana detox is not as easy to do as one might think it would be. Marijuana is a drug that stays in the body for as long as 30 days. There have been a lot of different methods tried for the removal of marijuana from the body system. If you are trying to pass a drug test, marijuana will be the drug to cause you to fail. Ire an employer was to take a single hair from your head he would be able to tell when you smoked last even if it has been years.

There have been several ways tried to flush the drug from the system. The individual drinks as much water as they can to get rid of the drug from the system the day before the drug test. There are websites that sell drug kits with product that help you pass a drug test. You use the products and they guarantee that you will pass a drug test. They work in a short amount of time.

There are even diets that will help you get the drug out of your system permanently that can be found on the World Wide Web. Exercise can also help the THC leave your body by sweating it out but that is a longer process. If you combine exercise and the detox kits and drink lots of water you should be effective in getting rid of the drug out of your system. If you want to detox from marijuana, the best idea is to overcome marijuana addiction just don’t do it at all.

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All of these methods are great ideas and have proven to work for some but to me the best way to quit smoking marijuana is to go to some type of marijuana rehab. In this type of setting you will be detoxed by a professional staff trained in this area of expertise. They may use prescription medications to help your marijuana detox go as smooth as possible

Good luck


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