How to help a hard core Meth addict

How to help a hard core Meth addict

A meth addict is someone who has developed an addiction to methamphetamine, which is a synthetic form of adrenaline. Unlike naturally occurring adrenaline, which is produced in short doses by the body when reacting to stress; methamphetamine can last six to eight hours.

During the time that the user is under the influence of meth, they experience feelings of euphoria, energy, a heightened sense of light and color, and an overall feeling of no invulnerability whatsoever. Meth addicts often feel as if they are on top of the world and that everyone and everything is wonderful. It’s an extremely powerful feeling, which is part of what makes methamphetamine such an addictive drug. With that being said I will forewarn you that once it becomes a habit if you try to quit it will be hard to beat meth addiction

Side effects of long term meth use

Long-term heavy use of meth may be able to cause malnutrition, skin disorders, teeth rotting or falling out, ulcers and sickness due to vitamin deficiency. Other side effects of meth abuse can contribute to lack of sleep and weight loss lung and heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. If the person happens to be shooting meth they may run the risk of getting Aids.

Now here’s the thing if you have experienced any of these common side effects its time for you to stop using meth.

That feeling only lasts so long, however, and eventually the user crashes. During this period, they will generally experience extreme fatigue and depression, often sleeping for unusually long periods of time. In the case of a serious addiction, the user will wake up and begin immediately seeking more meth so that they can go through the entire cycle again. In some cases, addicts will use continuously and stay awake for days on end.

As with just about any addiction, a user has to want help before they can begin the recovery process. If a user has sought help, the recovery process can take quite some time. There are physiological effects of methamphetamine abuse which may take a year or more to heal.

How to overcome meth addiction

If you want to learn how to overcome your meth amphetamine addiction I would suggest that you go to rehab. I say this because in rehab you can be medically detoxed and will not have to worry about meth withdrawal. If you go you will be looked after 24/7 by a staff of trained professionals who will administer prescription medications to help ease any discomfort brought on by methamphetamine withdrawal.


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