My Life of as heroin addict and how I recovered from addiction

Life of a heroin addict

My life as a heroin addict was not exactly a good one more the opposite. Unless you call being broke, homeless, and spiritually bankrupt doing good.

I sought heroin everyday non stop. I thought it was cool to be a heroin addict. That should give you a clue to how twisted my mind was back then.

I would go without eating for days I would be to sick to want to eat. I remember looking in the mirror and saying man you look great.

That is something I keep fresh in my mind to remind me of where I have been. I have however lost the desire to use.

This does not mean that the thought of using does not come once in a while but it is not overpowering.

I remember the days when the thought to use would come and that was all it took and I was off and running.

Any heroin addict can change their lifestyle and beat heroin addiction. In my experience it is a good idea to make some commitments of what you will do for your recovery.

Here are a few suggestions.

Heroin addiction help

1. Go to NA meetings.

2. Get a sponsor a sponsor they will help you to stay on top of your recovery.

3. Help another recovering addict this is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

4. Go back to school.

5. Find a new job you may want a job with more benefits.

6 Go to heroin addiction treatment.

7. Make a commitment to eat healthy meals proper nutrition is very important.

8. Exercise regularly it is important to stay healthy.

9. Pray we must stay in constant contact with a power greater than ourselves.

10 Meditation is a great way to relax and find some inner peace.

11. Make it a point to hang out with other recovering addicts after the meeting. Maybe you can invite one of them to coffee or maybe invite a bunch of addicts over to play cards.

There are a whole lot of things you can do these are just some of the things I have done for my recovery. Make your own list of things to do.

Make a commitment to yourself and another person that can keep you accountable. Remember if you fail to keep a commitment that you are letting yourself down.

Do not beat yourself up if you fail to make the commitment that you made. Just try harder next time and move on. One thing to keep in mind is that addicts are dying from heroin overdose every day.

Gook luck


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