How to stop Xanax Abuse before it becomes full-blown xanax addiction

How to stop Xanax Abuse before it becomes full-blown xanax addiction

Xanax abuse is a serious issue in our country. Xanax, a prescription drug used for the relief of anxiety, has increasingly become a party drug used by young people ages 12-17. It is also common for those who have genuine medical prescriptions to become unintentionally addicted. Currently there are almost two million cases of prescription drug dependence but there are actually more including xanax addiction reported annually and xanax is one of the main drugs being abused.

How stop xanax and avoid full blown xanax addiction

Xanax or alprazolam is used by many abusers as a way to get high. The drug is easily purchased on the street or through illegal online websites. Xanax is classified as a benzodiazepine or on the streets know as benzo's and works by acting on the central nervous system and causing the brains neurotransmitters to slow down.
Xanax produces a calm, drowsy state when used as prescribed but when abused it creates a euphoric effect that can be further magnified when the pills are crushed and snorted. For xanax abusers it is very difficult to maintain that “first high” feeling so the user will take more and more as the body develops a tolerance. Eventually what starts as a psychological craving will become a chemical dependency or physical addiction.

Symptoms of overuse of xanax include inability to concentrate, drowsiness, slurred speech, lack of coordination, cramping, nausea, lack of appetite and diarrhea. Withdrawal symptoms that occur when the drug is suddenly stop include heart palpitations, anxiety and panic attacks, nausea, and insominia.

Once a problem is recognized there are several treatment options for those with a xanax addiction. The first step for xanax withdrawal is detoxification under medical supervision followed by a full psychological and physical evaluation and development of a treatment plan.

Now for those who have the desire to stop using xanax there is help out there one way to quit xanax could include short term inpatient detox therapy in a hospital or rehabilitation center, long term treatment in a treatment facility or outpatient therapy. Counseling is critical for long term success and avoidance of relapse. Abuse of xanax is very serious. Parents as well as those with medical prescriptions should be aware of its side effects and potential for addiction.

Good luck


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