How to overcome Fioricet addiction and recover

How to overcome Fioricet addiction and recover

Fioricet addiction is an addiction we rarely hear of but many Americans are struggling with this addiction. It is very hard to overcome any drug addiction especially if you did not intend on becoming addicted in the first place. With this being said there are some of us who willing seek out this drug and abuse it at will. This drug is mainly used for headaches but overuse of it will cause what is know as the rebound headache as well as fioricet addiction.

Firoicet is a pain reliever and fever reducer with a combination of caffeine, acetaminophen and butalbital. It is frequently prescribed and at times prescribed with codeine and this is called Fioricet 3 with codeine. It is classified under a group of drugs called barbiturates and is commonly used for muscle aches from the common tension headache.

How to beat an addiction to fioricet

Like many prescription drugs this drug can easily cause addiction Many people who use this prescription drug daily claim it enhances their personality, making them feel outgoing and social when they may have been quiet and shy before using. The codeine in the drug also makes it very addictive, giving the user a feeling of euphoria. Without medical insurance this medication can be very expensive hence why some drug addicts with a fioricet addiction purchase the pills online from pharmacies over seas. Now it is possible to beat fioricet addiction but you will have to take action.

How to overcome fioricet addiction

If you feel you may be addicted to this prescription drug then it is time to speak to your doctor about how to stop using fioricet. Your doctor could offer another prescription drug option that is not addictive. A doctor will not make you quit cold turkey as it could be detrimental to your health! You will have to gradually taper down your usage with medical supervision for addiction. While tapering off, it is highly suggested that you attend NA meetings which will give you a chance to speak to others going through the same process.

Lastly, you could try to see if there is a clinic in your area for inpatient treatment detox. Inpatient treatment is a great option as you are under constant medical supervision while detoxing, have a chance to speak with a counselor or therapist and can be around the support of other addicts going through the same process. So if you really want help I am convinced that this is the best option and one that I have personally used myself.

If you go you will not have to be concerned about the fioricet withdrawal because they will give you prescription medications to ease the pain of the withdraw symptoms.

Any addiction can be quite difficult to quit. You will need positive support from your loved ones and you will need to gain a basic understanding of the drug and why you are addicted to it. Stay positive and keep your eye on the prize of being clean and you will recover from addiction!

Good luck


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