Do you have a loved one displaying the warning Signs of Cocaine Addiction that could benefit from rehab

Do you have a loved one displaying the warning Signs of Cocaine Addiction that could benefit from rehab
The signs of cocaine addiction are generally related to changes in social and psychological behavior. Any extreme changes in someone's lifestyle could be an indication of an addiction to cocaine. Addicts will do anything to get their fix, and everything else in life becomes secondary. Thus, they lose their hold on what was important to them in life before they became addicted to the drug.

For some individuals, their cocaine addiction is reflected in their career and professional life. They will often appear late for work, or miss it altogether. Others will arrive at work but show very poor performance at their normal tasks. Those who let their situation get out of control will sometimes lose their job as a result of their addiction.

Others will begin to act different around friends and family. Mood swings and issues with family and friends can be signs that an individual is letting drugs like cocaine take over his or her life. Others will let their drug addiction cause problems within close relationships, such as with spouses and children.

Perhaps the most telling sign of drug addiction is problems with money. Addicts will bankrupt themselves and their family in an effort to get their fix. When the money runs out, they will take on copious amounts of debt to fund their habit. Eventually, their debt and money problems will become apparent to everyone around them. They may even begin to steal and obtain money in less than honorable ways.

There are some outward physiological signs of addiction to cocaine especially crack addiction that may become apparent to those observing the individual. For instance, bloodshot eyes or very dilated pupils may be a warning sign. Irritability, insomnia, and mood swings may become readily apparent. Others will have nose bleeds and irregular heartbeats. In extreme cases, anxiety attacks may strike the individual.

These signs and symptoms may become even more pronounced when the addict has willingly or unwillingly not used the drug for a while. Withdrawal symptoms can be nasty, and it is during periods of withdrawal that the individual can resort to drastic measures to score a hit.

Obviously, anyone who is showing these signs may not necessarily be addicted to a drug like cocaine. There could be other reasons for these 'symptoms.' However, any family member or friend who recognizes some or all of these symptoms, especially when they are drastic and sudden, may want to consider the possibility of cocaine addiction.

Overcome cocaine addiction with cocaine detox

There is help out there for those with a cocaine addiction depending on where you live there are cocaine anonymous meetings. Cocaine addiction is nothing to play with if you are indeed addicted to this drug your playing days are over and the fun has gone out of it. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then stop using cocaine today.

There are also many qualified places where you can go inpatient for a cocaine detox. If you do go to rehab to be detoxed from cocaine I strongly suggest that you plan ahead and think about how you intend to work your recovery from cocaine plan when you leave rehab.

Good luck


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