Do you have a loved one suffering from Drug addiction and depression

Do you have a loved one suffering from Drug addiction and depression

Depression and drug addiction are usually interrelated. Where you see drug addiction, the other seems to naturally, follow. It is likely; a person starts out by having feelings they do not understand. They are tired, appetite is off, and they no longer want to do much. It is difficult to get out of bed and feelings of fear start to creep in more each day.

After a couple of weeks of suffering finally, they go to see their family doctor, he prescribes an antidepressant or worse yet anti anxiety medication. Now for many people it stops right there, they do not abuse their medications. They take them as prescribed, and continue to improve.

Others who do not feel better fast enough, or have a tendency to abuse medications will become dependent on drugs. Drugs and alcohol are a means to numb out any fears they have.

When they get high, they believe for those few moments in time that all is much better. After time, addicts get caught up in a continuing cycle of depression, and start to look for any drug that will remove them from the pain of their depressive state.

I was like this for a whole lot of years I would lay in bed and think of ways and scams I could come up with what I really needed was treatment for substance addictions. When I finally came up with one I was off to the races. I was one of those types of addicts who tried to maintain a stash but the problem was I always ran out. Today however I no longer have to worry about running out. If you can grasp what this really means you can see what a relief it is.

How to overcome drug addiction and depression

Most people do not know which started first, the drug addiction or the depression. Some people in recovery believe that an addict is not drug free if they are taking anti depressants to treat their depression. Others say that is complete nonsense, if you do not treat the underlining cause of their drug addiction then how can they survive. It is something to consider.

I am a member of N. A, and if some tried to tell another person that they were not clean because they are taking antidepressants they would catch hell for it because it say right in the basic text that sometimes it is necessary for an addict to take medications. So if you are reading this and taking medications to overcome drug addiction and depression do not listen to any who tells you otherwise because in my opinion you are clean.

Good luck


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