The Effects of Alcohol

The Effects of Alcohol - Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. It works in many parts of the body, such as the reticular formation, spinal cord, cerebellum and cerebral cortex, and in many neurotransmitter systems.

In the central nervous system, alcohol is involved in the processes by which certain nerve cells receive orders to activate or become excited. Also stimulates the processes by which certain nerve cells decrease their activity. Thus, alcohol acts as a nonspecific biochemical inhibitor of the central nervous system activity, and thus between the effects of alcohol consumption are the relaxation or reduce anxiety. Dependence or addiction to alcohol: alcohol rehab

Alcohol dependence (alcoholism), also called alcoholism is a chronic form of alcohol abuse physiological effects, behavioral and cognitive: When alcohol is taken repeatedly and over a period of time, the brain adapts to its use, that is, the body becomes tolerant to alcohol and up to him to keep some of their functions.

The Effects of Alcohol
This adaptation of the brain to alcohol means that it is becoming less sensitive to the effects of consumption, so the dose should be increased gradually to obtain the same effect as the first intake of alcohol. As neurons are adapting to ever-higher doses of this substance in an apparently normal function despite being "bathed" in alcohol. In this state, when the effect of a dose has just disappeared, may have already done severísimos effects on behavior, or even death. In short, we have developed a tolerance to alcohol.

The unit, which is usually accompanied by tolerance, becomes manifest and can therefore be observed when there is an abstinence from alcohol. When an addictive substance is administered repeatedly at an interval that produces tolerance, the brain adapts to the presence of the drug (ie, there is a neuroadaptation). The apparent normality masks of brain functions and underlying neurochemical change occurs only if you stop consuming alcohol sharply since the discontinuation of use emerge brain disorders known as withdrawal.

The Effects of Alcohol
Thus, symptoms such as bursts of electrical activity in the brain, seizures and sometimes psychotic phenomena such as hallucinations, which are evident brain changes that were hidden while they drank. The symptoms of withdrawal disappear drinking again, and this fact is what makes it hard to leave dependents consuming alcohol, because they know that drinking again feel an immediate relief of symptoms. But this relief means your body and just works "normally" in the presence of alcohol, ie, it has become dependent on alcohol.

Often alcohol dependence is not detected for years. The ease with which alcoholic drinks are achieved and how they are consumed (social patterns) appear to be important factors in the probability that a person becomes dependent on alcohol. But there may be a genetic component in some families because alcoholism is repeated among several of its members. However, there is no assurance that these repeats are not the result of learned behavior.The Effects of Alcohol


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