HOW Heroin Addiction Affects Our Children And What YOU CAN DO TO HELP

Heroin addiction is a steadily growing problem that affects many people in the United States. A 2003 national survey revealed that 3.7 million people used heroin at some time during the course of their lives. Five percent of those people were habitual users. Two percent of those habitual users were still in high school.

In 2012, the number of heroin users has not decreased at all. Heroin addiction continues to be a problem that experts have not yet developed a strategy to resolve. Individuals addicted to heroin spend approximately $100 per day on their problem. A small majority of the young unemployed population will resort to committing crimes to feed their habits.

Heroin Addiction and are Youth

Most of the problem with heroin addiction and our youth is in parenting and discipline. Single parents who spend a great deal of time away from home raise many children. These children often experiment with drugs as a way to reduce boredom. Some children raised by both parents suffer from a lack of discipline and drug education, which results in early exploration with illegal substances.

Parents must start obtaining the tools necessary to educate their children on drugs. They must also take steps to get the children help as soon as they detect a problem.


One of the best things you do to try and nip it in the bud as soon as you become aware that one of your teens or children are actually using heroin. One thing you can do is try to talk some sense into them but being a lot of teenagers think that they pretty much know everything it may be difficult. I know when I was young I thought I did and what this got me is over 30 years of heroin addiction.

Key takeaways:

  • I would personally try to get them into some sort of heroin rehab

  • The end results of heroin addiction are always the same; jails, institutions, and death, and keep in mind that they do not necessarily have to come in this order

  • The best thing a person can do is to start talking with there children at a very young age about the perils of using drugs and drug addiction. A lot of the time this will actually work but you can not be around your children 24/7 and peer pressure is another ball game.

Good luck and God bless


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