How bad are oxycodone withdrawal symptoms Is it possible to overcome them?

Oxycodone is an opiate based drug that can produce dependence with long term use and and has some nasty oxycodoe withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms from this prescription medication often occur after a person stops using oxycodone or reduces the amount taken of the drug after a prolonged period of use. This occurs because the body needs time to adjust to the change of not having the drug in your system.

Getting through the withdrawal symptoms of oxycodone

There are early withdrawal symptoms and there are later withdrawal symptoms. The early Oxycodone withdrawal symptoms include: agitation; anxiety; muscle aches; increased tearing; insomnia; runny nose; sweating; and yawning.  The later Oxycodone withdrawal symptoms include: abdominal cramping; diarrhea; dilated pupils; goose bumps; nausea and vomiting.

The withdrawal symptoms begin six to thirty hours after last use of the drug.  With mild symptoms the person might not even realize he or she is going through withdrawal.  The more severe symptoms will make the person very uncomfortable; many report that it is similar to having a severe case of the flu.

Brand names of Oxycodone

Endocet, Percocet, Roxicodone, Tylox

Common side effects of oxycodone
· loss of appetite
· nausea vomiting
· constipation
· dry mouth
· hotheadedness
· drowsiness
· flushing
· sweating
· itching
· weakness
· headache
· mood changes
· red eyes
· pin pointed pupils
Serious side effects include but not limited to:
· difficulty breathing
· irregular  heartbeat
· hives
· rash
· hoarseness
· hallucinating (seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist)
· confusion
· fainting
· dizziness

Withdrawal itself is not life threatening, but many people over dose after withdrawal and then returning to using the drug. This happens because the body's resistance to the drug has weakened and the user does not realize it and takes the same dose as before, which is too much for the body to handle.

Detoxification from Oxycodone is difficult for the heavy user and should not be tried alone. Most people will need medical help during the process. The severe symptoms last approximately one week, but most people need some type of long term intervention to remain off of the drug. Seek medical help if you plan to detox from Oxycodone.

How to overcome percocet addiction

One of the most abused drugs these days happens to be percocet you would not belive the number of people who ask how they can get through percocet withdrawal.

Here are a couple of ways to make it through withdrawal from percocet. The first one is to contact the Dr. that prescribed them to you and let them know of your desire to stop using percocet. I am sure they can come up with a plan for you to taper off of percocet.

If for some reason this does not work for you do not give up because there are other options. One of which is going to an opiate addiction treatment center; in fact, it is the best way to beat addiction that I know of.

Good luck


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