What all parents should know about Robo tripping and DXM abuse

Here’s the thing when it comes to the truth about Robo tripping. When it comes to drugs, parents often worry about the big things. They are concerned with peer pressure and who there teens are hanging out with. They worry about their kids trying crystal meth, cocaine, marijuana and other well known drugs.

Most times, prescription and over the counter drugs do not even enter their mind and most may have never heard Robotripping. Parents need to be concerned, however. Sometimes, teenagers will try things they may deem "legal," but it does not make their actions any less dangerous; for example huffing paint and drinking DXM and some teens will buy and drink large amounts of Robotussin cough suppressant.

The resulting high is often referred to as tripping and could possibly lead to a hard drug addiction to heroin or cocaine. This may sound silly to some, but it can lead to a serious problem. Robotussin contains Dextromethorphan. If taken in large quantities, this cough syrup ingredient will lead to hallucinatory feelings. Teens who abuse DXM are not immune to
DXM addiction to it just like any illegal narcotic.

How to overcome DXM addiction

Robotripping is extremely widespread and popular with some teens. If the kids live in an area where drugs and alcohol is tightly controlled, abuse of over the counter medications tends to be more pronounced and there is a better than average chance that your teens know someone who is abusing cough syrup or in other words robo tripping.

I am not sure how much good it would do to educate them on the dangers of dmx addiction they have probably already heard all about the dangers of using various drugs but if you feel the need to warn your youth about the dangers of this drug by all means do so.

Some local authorities have already caught onto this, as some easy to access medications are key ingredients in crystal meth. Also, because of alcohol, some food additives like vanilla extract are also closely monitored.

Cough syrups, on the other hand, are not as closely watched. Plus, this medicine is in more than just Robotussin. The generic versions may have the same potency.
Plus, drug store available does not limit available in one major way.

How to stop drug abuse and an addiction to DXM  

Cough syrup is easily found in the family medicine cabinet, and it can be ordered off the internet with not much of a problem. Studies and demographics show that the problem of addiction is more pronounced with kids between nine and 17 years of age. Cough syrup can also become a gateway drug; abusers may move on to harsher drugs like cocaine and heroin.

It is possible that they are having some kind of problems at school that they do not feel comfortable talking with their parents about or anything at all really. If you suspect that you’re teen is abusing dxm you may want to get them some addiction therapy. Drug addiction therapy may help them to get to the bottom of what is really going on.

Good luck


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