Here’s How to find Free Drug Rehab Facilities and get addiction help

Trying to find free drug rehab can be a daunting task. When you are in the position of needing one for yourself or a loved one, money is usually the last thing about which you are concerned. However, the financial burden of typical rehabilitation facilities is a real issue.

Finding the location of a free program largely depends on where you live or spend most of your time. Knowing that one exists in will not save you much money if you have. Your first stop should be to do a basic internet search for “free drug rehab programs + your state.”  This will give you hundreds of websites to browse and inspect.

How to find a free rehab

If you are looking for detailed information about a variety of places in one spot, you can find it by visiting This comprehensive website lists free rehabilitation centers in all 50 states with more than 14,000 listings. A basic description of each place is included, as well as the address and phone number, so you can call the facility yourself for more in-depth answers.

If you need to narrow your search down more, it allows you to choose a facility based on treatment needed and whether or not they accept insurance. Do not quit searching it is also even very possible to find a state funded drug rehab in your area.

The first and hardest step to finding a free drug treatment program completely free of cost is admitting that you, or someone you love, has a drug addiction and desperately needs one in the first place. With a little internet research, finding a program you can afford in your own state will not be a barrier to getting the addiction help you need.

There are many free drug rehabs and treatment centers out there that can help you to overcome addiction but you have to do the footwork. This basically means that you will have to take action and start looking. One thing you could do is look for a state funded drug rehab.

Get out your phone book and call all the rehabs you find and ask them if they can help you if they can not ask them if they could direct you to a state or government funded drug rehab facility that may possibly be able to help you.

Now if you strike out here you can do a much larger search. One thing you may want to ask yourself is that if you are willing to go to a rehab that is not near your home town; for instance it could be in another state. This is just some of the things you may have to be willing to do to get the addiction help you are seeking.

In a lot of cases going to rehab in another state can turn out to be a blessing in disguise because you will get away from all your old using cronies. So it will be a fresh start for you all the way around. It will take a lot of courage to make this move and some of you will not be willing to make this move and will die in your addiction because you were not willing to do whatever it takes to overcome drug or alcohol addiction.

Good luck


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