Suboxone Side Effect Symptoms

After two years of being on suboxone and staying clean at times and going back to heroin at others i have finally decided it was time to reduce my suboxone dosage which has caused me some suboxone side effect symptoms. I was using 16 mg a day of suboxone and dropped it down to about 4 mg. Once that had occurred I found myself going and copping heroin to get high. This was some months ago. I played a game of cat and mouse with suboxone and heroin at first, going from suboxone to using heroin for a week and back to suboxone. The suboxone then became an enabler to my heroin addiction in which I never suffered withdrawal symptoms. I am now on a steady 2mg a day of suboxone for quite some time and am suffering some suboxone side effect symptoms.

When I awake in the mornings I have sweat all over me. The worst is it collects inside of my ear.I feel cold and yucky, but about an hour after being awake I feel fine. Upping the dosage has helped but the idea is to get off of the suboxone. Since it has been many weeks since lowering the dosage to 2 mg it does not have any correlation to a dosage amount that has been recently reduced. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with taking suboxone for so long.

My doctor prescribes me two months at a time so it will be awhile before I go back again. If there are other folks who have been on suboxone for long periods of time it would be great to hear how you have made out I would like to lower the dosage to 1 mg a day very soon. Hopefully this will not effect me even worse. I just want to be off of this stuff as soon as possible.

It becomes difficult to split down the suboxone pills once I get to 1 mg. I would like to get to 0.5 mg over the next month. it is at this level where I plan to jump off. I am sure I will feel quite fidgety at that time. The last time I jumped off of suboxone the fidgety stuff lasted 6 days. I just hope the suboxone side effect symptoms do not last me too long.


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